Well all this Olympics action on the box and GB doing so well, almost feel lucky to have done my neck in as I'm getting to watch it all! ....pretty sure everyone will be in agreement but Saturday was amazing, might even have brought the odd tear to the eye! (I think the accident has given me some sort of imbalance!) ....oh and all this Olympic talk reminds me of something I meant to post on here the other week. Jen and I got a sneaky photo with the Olympic torch (from the torch relay not the arena!) ...a chap who'd been treated in this unit got to carry it and popped in to show it off, we had a chat with him but can't really remember what he said as I spent most of it willing him to let us hold it and he duly obliged!
In other news I've been moved again, think that makes about 10 different wards in total, one for each week since my accident, I feel like I should be in that gypsy documentary on Channel 4! Though I've probably paid to much tax in my lifetime really! ....though I am getting my money's worth out of that tax now! Anyway the ward is another good move much more of a rehab focused ward as opposed to close care and there's a decent group in here so getting a bit of banter too which is always nice!
The physio's and ot's are still pushing me hard, so much so I'm usually all set for bed by about 5 - 6 o'clock as I'm absolutely cream crackered! But can see and feel the benefit of it all as I'm getting better and more confident at some things, still miles to go but progress is great! ....just little things like sitting on the edge of a bed are exhausting and feel very weird indeed, as the level of my injury is about nipple height (no moob comments please!) I've got just what little muscles I have above this level to try and stabilise myself, making me feel and appear a little like a weeble! But these weeble comparisons are gradually fading thankfully!
Sadly the ot's haven't yet been able to sort me a new chair as yet, so I'm still in the old decrepit heap with a mind of its own. However having seen the chair that I am going to get I think I might take it all back and start referring to it as a 70's classic to try and keep it! ....basically it seems like I've been victim of a huge dose of instant karma having essentially spent the last blog slating both my chair and Mr Parrs less than stylish sparkly belt buckles, the two elements have joined forces to deliver this hideous monstrosity!
but....yes it's a sparkly purple frame and yes that is a light purple (trying not to say pink!) leather seat and arms! ...in its defense it is a really expensive chair with carbon fibre rather than the wood on my current chair! and it's much much easier to push myself around in. I'm just trying to keep these positives in mind to overcome its clear aesthetic limitations! It was a little small for me so we're waiting for some parts - then I can start getting even more in touch with my feminine side!
Very nicely they've also started letting me go out (not sure how much of this I'll do with my new wheels as I don't think I can take the ridicule) but Jenna and I went to Dobbie's for lunch on Saturday which was very expensive! then a few of us went to a nearby pub for tea on Sunday which was mediocre at best...I think we'll need to venture further afield!! ..talk of the cinema on Friday, exciting times!!
Right that's me, thanks as ever,
Mark xxxx